Isle of Wight College

Driving Tips: How to Pass Your Test and Be a Good Driver

While the tips you’ll find on this page will help you get your licence, they’ll also do more than that: they’ll help you become a knowledgeable and conscientious driver. You need to make the safest decisions possible. To help with that, this page contains safety tips for bad weather, route planning, protecting your car from damage, and much more. Safety also extends to the decisions you make before you even get in or turn the key. That’s why you’ll also find information on topics like buying a car, passing car and motorcycle MOTs, petrol prices, etc. Since we’re also devoted to making sure that you pass your driving test, you’ll find a lot of posts will help with that and cover almost everything you can think of from how to parallel park to how to ace your hazard perception test. No matter where you are in your journey to get your driver’s licence, whether you’ve just started practising for your theory test, you’ve passed your theory test and are gearing up for your driving test, or you’re about to take on both, the tips here will ensure that you’ll have a safe and successful driving future. Have friends in the States? Share our sister site with them to help them pass their DMV practice test. Good luck!

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